
- 無須擔心孩子夜歸的安全。
- 無須浪費時間接送補習班。
- 提供家長申請獨立登入帳號,簡訊通知服務,電子郵件通知服務,隨時掌握孩子學習進度與學習效果。
- 無須遷就同學程度,擔心程度低的同學拖累您孩子的學習進度,或擔心老師偏重程度好的同學,忽略您孩子的需求。
- 孩子可以從容回家吃晚飯,休息一下洗個澡再上課,輕鬆無負擔??。
- 在家上網就能和外國人做朋友,聊天學英文!
- 我可以放心大聲講英文,經驗豐富的外籍老師可以聽懂我要表達的意思!
- 想怎麼學?什麼時候學?跟誰學?都由我安排、我決定!
- 「DCGS動態課程生成系統」隨時幫我調配最佳的課程組合,想學什麼,也由我決定!
- 我可以上傳照片,讓世界各地的人認識我,我也能認識不同地方的新朋友!
- 在家就彷佛置身國外名校的留學環境,輕鬆學會一口流利的好英文!
選擇「一對多」小班式互動教學,TutorABCJr會為孩子配對程度相仿的學習者一同學習,孩子可從同學的發言中,學習更多詞彙,聽見不同觀點。 小班制人數6人以下,由深具教學經驗的顧問引導,絕不影響孩子的開口權益。
掌握自我節奏學習 學業技能左右兼顧
沉浸英文環境 伸展語言本能
短短四十五分鐘的全英文環境,讓她輕易掌握了英文邏輯,過了一段時間後,流利的英文對話就這麼脫口而出! 慧儀表示:「以前我的文法很弱,雖然勉強可以說,但是句子很混亂。我很喜歡TutorABCJr的課程,是因為外籍顧問會給我很多機會說話,並且即時糾正我的發音和文法,是補習班做不到的。」
彈指聽見世界 暖身躍向國際
These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "is expected to," "anticipates," "aim," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "are likely to," "estimates," "may," "should" and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the Restructuring. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about Fang's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, whether the Restructuring will receive the requisite approvals and clearance, whether the Restructuring will be proceed as planned, the impact of the Restructuring on Fang's business operations, the impact of Fang's transformation from a pure Internet information platform to a transaction-oriented platform, the impact of Fang's implementation of a "zero tolerance policy" that has resulted in dismissal of employees, the impact of the slowdown in China's real estate market on Fang and the impact on revenues of Fang's existing and new service fees reductions, the ability of Fang to retain real estate listing agencies as customers during challenging economic periods, the success of Fang's new business initiatives, the ability of Fang to manage its operating expenses, the impact of, measures taken or to be taken by the Chinese government to control real estate growth and prices and other events which could occur in the future, economic challenges in China's real estate market, the impact of competitive market conditions for Fang's services, Fang's ability to maintain and increase its leadership in China's home related internet sector, the uncertain regulatory landscape in China, fluctuations in Fang's quarterly operating results, Fang's continued ability to execute business strategies including SouFun membership services and SouFun Online Shop, Fang's ability to continue to expand in local markets, Fang's reliance on online advertising sales and listing services and transactions for its revenues, any failure to successfully develop and expand Fang's content, service offerings and features, including the success of new features to meet evolving market needs, and the technologies that support them, the quality of the loans Fang originates and resells and the performance of those loans in the future, Fang's ability to successfully service and process customer loans for its own benefit and for the purchasers of those loans and any failure to successfully integrate acquired businesses in the event of future acquisitions.
The consummation of the Restructuring remains subject to the requisite internal approvals of the relevant parties and regulatory clearance, including by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other applicable regulatory authorities. There is no assurance that these approvals or regulatory clearance will be obtained within an expected timeframe, or at all.
Fang operates the leading real estate Internet portal in China in terms of the number of page views and visitors to its websites. Through our websites, we provide e-commerce, marketing, listing, financial and other value-added services for China's fast-growing real estate and home furnishing and improvement sectors. Our user-friendly websites support active online communities and networks of users seeking information on, and other value-added services for, the real estate and home furnishing and improvement sectors in China雙蓮國小. Fang currently maintains about 100 offices to focus on local market needs and its website and database contains real estate related content covering more than 629 cities in China. For more information about Fang, please visit http://ir.fang.com.
Mr. Kent Cangsang Huang
Wanli advised the Company that it had submitted to the SSE its responses (the "Responses") to the SSE's inquiry letter dated January 28, 2016 with respect to the Restructuring. Wanli also advised the Company that it believes its responses have addressed all questions from the SSE and that it would respond in a timely manner should the SSE raise any additional inquiries in the future.
About Wanli
Phone: +86-10-5631-9668
Email: huangcangsan深坑國小課後輔導g@fang.com
Safe Harbor Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
BEIJING, May 3, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- SouFun Holdings Limited (NYSE: SFUN) ("Fang" or the "Company"), the leading real estate Internet portal in China, today provided a further update on its proposed acquisition of a controlling stake in Chongqing Wanli New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Wanli"), a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange ("SSE") (stock code: 600847), and the sale of Wanli's assets (such transactions, collectively, the "Restructuring").
For investor and頭城國小 media inquiries, please contact:
For further details of the Restructuring and the full text of the Responses, please refer to public announcements made by Wanli, available at www.sse.com.cn, the official website of the SSE.
About Fang
Founded in 1992, Wanli is a manufacturer of storage batteries. Wanli's shares have been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange since 1994.
To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fang-announces-further-update-on-a-share-restructuring-300261747.html
EF English Live 線上英語
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24小時開課,隨時隨地,無須預約,絕大多數導師均來自以英語為母語的國家,並擁有大學學位及TESOL / TEFL英語教授資格。
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- 三田國小課後輔導 英文文法有道理!@E@
- 精誠高中課後輔導 重新認識英文文法觀念
- 大同高中附設國中部英文課 線上英文學習家教網
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- 錦和國小 英文書@E@
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- 華山國小英文課 只要30天,一定讓你說出意想不到的流利英文!@E@
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- 維多利亞小學課後輔導 生活處處都是學英文的教材