






  1. 無須擔心孩子夜歸的安全。
  2. 無須浪費時間接送補習班。
  3. 提供家長申請獨立登入帳號,簡訊通知服務,電子郵件通知服務,隨時掌握孩子學習進度與學習效果。
  4. 無須遷就同學程度,擔心程度低的同學拖累您孩子的學習進度,或擔心老師偏重程度好的同學,忽略您孩子的需求。
  5. 孩子可以從容回家吃晚飯,休息一下洗個澡再上課,輕鬆無負擔??。


  1. 在家上網就能和外國人做朋友,聊天學英文!
  2. 我可以放心大聲講英文,經驗豐富的外籍老師可以聽懂我要表達的意思!
  3. 想怎麼學?什麼時候學?跟誰學?都由我安排、我決定!
  4. 「DCGS動態課程生成系統」隨時幫我調配最佳的課程組合,想學什麼,也由我決定!
  5. 我可以上傳照片,讓世界各地的人認識我,我也能認識不同地方的新朋友!
  6. 在家就彷佛置身國外名校的留學環境,輕鬆學會一口流利的好英文!




選擇「一對多」小班式互動教學,TutorABCJr會為孩子配對程度相仿的學習者一同學習,孩子可從同學的發言中,學習更多詞彙,聽見不同觀點。 小班制人數6人以下,由深具教學經驗的顧問引導,絕不影響孩子的開口權益。



掌握自我節奏學習 學業技能左右兼顧


沉浸英文環境 伸展語言本能

短短四十五分鐘的全英文環境,讓她輕易掌握了英文邏輯,過了一段時間後,流利的英文對話就這麼脫口而出! 慧儀表示:「以前我的文法很弱,雖然勉強可以說,但是句子很混亂。我很喜歡TutorABCJr的課程,是因為外籍顧問會給我很多機會說話,並且即時糾正我的發音和文法,是補習班做不到的。」

彈指聽見世界 暖身躍向國際







樹林高中附設國中英文課MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS plc is the leading name in location-based, family entertainment. Europe's Number 1 and the world's second-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin now operates more than 100 attractions including 12 hotels/4 holiday villages in 23 countries and across 4 continents. The company aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its almost 63 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and c26,000 employees.

Merlin Entertainments is the world's second largest developer and operator of live entertainment with holdings that include globally renowned brands LEGOLAND Discovery Centre, Madame Tussauds?, and SEA LIFE?. As a leader in combining art and commercial space, K11 breaks away from traditional retail concepts delivering spaces full of unity, movement, energy and desire by creating an atmosphere that is energetic and fun.

"Museum Retail" was conceptualized by Mr. Adrian Cheng, founder of K11 Art Foundation and K11. From product individualization to interactive brand experiences to customer service every aspect of the Shenyang K11 aims to provide consumers with a unique "Art Exhibition" experience. Brand retail spaces, products, and activities will be designed in conjunction with K11 to ensure that its unique spirit resonates.

Merlin currently has fourteen attractions in Asia including Madame Tussauds in Bangkok, Shanghai, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing and Wuhan, China; the fantastic LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort with its theme park, hotel and water park; world leading aquaria in Busan, Bangkok and Shanghai, - underlining the company's position as the world's biggest global aquarium operator; LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, Istanbul and now Shanghai. New LEGOLAND® Parks will also open in Dubai in 2016, and Japan and South Korea in 2017. Visit www.merlinentertainments.biz for more information.

While other traditional retail operators in China struggle, the revolutionary museum retail concept and a hybrid model of art and commerce has seen huge success. By allowing the public to experience a connection without borders between art and fashion as well as people and emotions, K11 is a state of the art facility where international brands can come together to deliver the ultimate consumer experience. Mr. Adrian Cheng, Founder of K11 art foundation and K11 said, "I have this vision of creating a new ecosystem for the contemporary Chinese art world, I hope every person that comes here can feel the sincerity and perseverance of K11."

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/shenyang-k11-teams-with-merlin--time-vallee-to-create-the-largest-culture-and-art-experience-center-in-china-300266742.html

The Shenyang K11 Art Mall, expected to open in 2017, boasts Asia's largest indoor area, largest children's indoor playground as well as the largest roof garden in Northeast China. The cooperation with Merlin has attracted Northeast China's first and largest LEGOLAND Discovery Centre and SEA LIFE? aquarium. Time Vallee will also introduce its new concept store which is sure to be major attraction in K11.

The collaboration between Merlin Entertainments and K11 brings together their passion for integrating art in an experience, beauty into entertainment and ensuring that it is accessible and relatable to everyone.

About Merlin Entertainment Group

SHANGHAI, May 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- A ceremony was held to celebrate the partnership between K11 Concepts Limited, Merlin Entertainment PLC and Time Vallee (operated by CTF WATCH). This collaboration sets the tone for the Shenyang K11, scheduled to open in 2017 which will be the first and largest home in Northern China to Merlin's LEGOLAND Discovery Centre and SEA LIFE?. Time Vallee will also team up with Richemont, Rolex Group, LVMH and Kering Group to distribute top luxury brands including 18 of the world's top time piece brands in Shenyang.

中壇國小英文課With an area of 260,000 square meters, K11 aims to create the world's largest cultural and art experience center. Shenyang民生國中英文課 K11 has already attracted more than 400 brand retailers that are expected to embody new concepts. The partnership with Merlin and Time Vallee is not only a breakthrough in the consumer experience, but also further elevates the K11 brand.

Time Vallee, a leading luxury timepiece distributor showcases the world's finest luxury timepieces and innovations as consumers are taken on an exclusive journey through time. Time Vallee's timeless attention to details and the science behind each piece perfectly marry with K11's innovative vision.

EF English Live 線上英語

1對1私人家教課+6人以內國際小班課+ 1,500小時模擬CNN多媒體影音互動課程,全面提升聽說讀寫能力。



24小時開課,隨時隨地,無須預約,絕大多數導師均來自以英語為母語的國家,並擁有大學學位及TESOL / TEFL英語教授資格。






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